Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You can make a difference!

Do you believe this statement?

I hope so because it it TRUE!

Whether we are speaking about making a difference by voting in the upcoming Presidential Election or voting in PPAI's Board of Directors Election to choose the new additions to the Board of Directors you play a role.

I am confident that I can make a difference and that is why I have chosen to run for the PPAI Board spot open to one distributor this fall. The voting begins September 3.

To learn more about me click here.

In addition to my passion for the promotional products industry, I am also very involved in helping special needs children. I must admit that I did not choose this path as much as it chose me with the birth of our second daughter, Katie, in 1994. Now 17 years old and quick to remind me (almost daily) that she is a senior in high school, she has opened up a whole new world to me.

This world has shown me that many of us, myself included, take way too many things for granted in this life of ours. Simple things are not so simple to many people in this world!

Things that many of us think are our biggest priorities in life really do not matter that much in the big picture. Perspective is a relative term but it greatly affects the way we view things around us and the way that we treat other people.

I am getting better at realizing this, with the help of my daughter Katie, as she helps me, my wife and my other daughter Erin (19) focus on the simple things in life. She has an incredible knack of finding the positive in everything.

We all know the old saying that weighs whether the glass is "half full" or "half empty". While I can understand that one might have a decision to make if they viewed an eight ounce glass with four ounces of milk in it however what if the glass was always full in your world?

What if you took it upon yourself to fill the glass up to the top so that there was no doubt to those around you? Do you add energy to those around you or zap the energy out of those around you? Think about this! Can you answer this?

For those of you that may have missed it, I reference a very personal story on perspective that I wrote about a few years back. Not a day goes by when I do not think about this story. It has been a life lesson for me.

I am not perfect, far from it, as I am reminded by the others around me at work, home and play but I know that I have a choice in how I act today. I know that I can make a difference. I can make a conscious decision when I get up each day to make a positive contribution to society in some way.

The picture at the top of this post shows Katie playing baseball in her Miracle League in Des Moines. Approximately 300 children with a variety of disabilities come together each Saturday in the spring and the fall to get out and have fun. Each game includes about 30 volunteers who choose to make a difference by assisting, and make a difference they do for a few hours each weekend.

Honestly as I watch the volunteers and their reactions as they view a young blind girl, a housemate of my daughter, hit the "beeper" ball that makes a sound as it is pitched, I wonder who is getting more out of this event.

In my mind this is truly a win-win where each participant, the child playing baseball with their friends and the "buddy" who is assisting them, gaining a great deal!

Don't ever question whether or not you can make a difference! There is no doubt that you can make a difference. The question is whether or not you will CHOOSE to make a difference!

Take the plunge. You will not regret it!

Friday, August 24, 2012

How are you?

How are you? Really?

We hear it all the time. We probably even say it all the time, every day to friends and co-workers.

How many of us listen to the answer that comes back. My guess is not too many because we really do not care. We are caught up in our own little world with all our own issues and problems.

People that know me well have probably heard my answer to the question "how are you?" many times.

I quickly respond that I am doing GREAT but it is still early and lots of stuff can go wrong!

Who knows why I say this? I think initially I was just tired of saying F-I-N-E, especially when I wasn't fine as I was unhappy about something in my life. Eventually I was responding like this because of the reaction I got from people. Most people stopped in their tracks. I then tell them that actually I am doing well. I am having a good day.

We all have a choice in what kind of day we are going to have. Hopefully you believe this! If not, I feel very sorry for you. You can focus on the things that you have control of or those that are out of your control. This one decision will dramatically influence what type of day you have.

Control or No Control...that is the question!

Almost 25 years ago, after going through some significant personal struggles, the light bulb went on in my life that if I could just stop myself long enough to ask this question when I find myself in a situation or dilemma...

Can I change the situation that I am in or is it out of my control?

Being able to ask this question and answer it honestly will guide you though your days. This does not make them or assure that they will all be perfect but I guarantee you that will give you a lot more good days than bad days.

How are you today? I am good and I mean it!