I think that it is fair to say that everyone in our industry WANTS to grow their business. Maybe there is a small percentage, a very small percentage of people who say "I'm good" or "I don't need any more orders" but I do not know any of these people.
The iron in the statement "I WANT to grow my business" is that not many of the people who say this are willing to put in the work necessary to GROW their business.
I equate this to going into your backyard every day in the spring and looking to see how your garden is growing. You become frustrated because day after day all you see is dirt with no signs of growth.
Then you realize:
- You did not actually plant any seeds
- You never watered anything.
Thinking of it this way, should you really be surprised that nothing is growing!
But I still hear people say "but I REALLY WANT to grow my business!"
So let's start with a plan.
- What do want to grow? Perhaps it is your existing accounts. How about generating new customers in a particular niche market like construction or real estate? That might be it. Maybe it not about the company type but rather the size of the company. Are you tired of dealing with mom and pop businesses? On the other side of the coin you might be fed up dealing with the biggest customers, those fortune 500 type companies that put you through the ringer every day? We all know these types that seem to appreciate nothing that we do for them as if it is our obligation and privilege to be of service to them. This is like planting seeds.You need to decide what you want to grow!
- How big a garden do you want to grow? Gardens take time and effort and resources in order to grow. This is why it is so very important for you to decide how many seeds you want to plant. How big will your garden be? How much can you handle? It makes no sense to prepare a lot the size of a football field only to find out that you can not actually do the work necessary yo care for it properly.
- OK now we know what we want to grow. We know the size of the garden. But do we know what it takes to tend the garden? Our plan must include the details on how best to take care of the garden to assure that we get the desired results. We want to have a successful crop if we are going through the trouble of step 1 and step 2. This might seem like common sense however we have all planted flowers and watered them once per week only to see them die in a very short time. The, in the process of throwing the dead plants out we find the little instruction card that reads "For best results, water once daily". Now you tell me....
"Insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results. It NEVER works!"
We all need to change our game plan!
To learn more about planning or GROWING your business read more
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