In the past few years there has been a frenzy of activity in our company with respect to product safety issues. Unless you have had your head in the sand you should have noticed some very high profile recalls and cases involving unsafe promotional products being sold and distributed.
There is agreement that cases like these have given a black eye to what you and I do for a living and that each additional case like this threatens our ability to make a living down the road. With that being said I think this is where the agreement ends.
Who is responsible for making sure that the end user recipient receives a safe product? I guess we can say that there is even some ambiguity about what constitutes a safe product. As I have said many times, let me add the disclaimer that I am not an expert in this area but I try to learn as much as I can and then apply some common sense to how our company approaches these types of issues.
I think it is fair to say that no one wants their customer or the end user to receive an unsafe product. Can we agree on that?
If we do then the responsibility can fall in the following respective laps....
- The buyer can demand that the product they receive meet certain tests and standards
- The salesperson can promote and present safe products to the buyer emphasizing the features and benefits
- The distributor can restrict, control and promote the use of vendors whose products meet the testing standards
- Suppliers can market and promote their lines as being safe with all testing certificates easily available for all to access and see
Let's start by talking about the actual safety and well being of the end recipient. That is at stake! How about the reputation of the customer's brand name? That, too, is at stake! The salesperson's commission is hanging in the balance if a product is found to be defective or not meeting the standards in play. A distributor's reputation and future is at risk. A large order recall or fine or lawsuit could and would force most distributors in this industry to close the doors.
Lat but certainly not least in my book is the reputation and future of the industry, what we do each and every day! If we do not all work to protect the end users and the customers, there may come a time that people say; "Shoot, I am just going to eliminate buying promo products altogether. It is too much of a risk!"
We cannot let it come to this!
Suppliers, Distributors and Salespeople have to develop their value proposition to their buyers and be able to sell the features and the benefits. It might be simplistic to say that since the manufacturing guidelines and testing requirements cost money, that a "safe" product usually costs more money than an unsafe product but I think we can make this statement. Here in lies the rub!
Salespeople, by and large, are fearful of selling or presenting a product that is higher in price than what their competition is offering. This is not anything new.! Is it? I don't think so!
Taking a Dale Carnegie Sales Course (it seems like a hundred years ago but it is still timely today) I learned that in order to overcome a higher price objection one needs to clearly sell the features of the product and how it will benefit the customer and eventually the end recipient. We NEED to do a better job in this area!
Suppliers need to do a better job selling distributors!
Distributors need to do a better job selling their salespeople!
And salespeople need to do a better job selling their buyers!
Unless all three of these things happen we are doomed to fail in this regard!
So whose responsibility is it to assure that end recipients receive a safe product at the end of the day?
Let me say that we should not be pointing fingers at anyone else because it is OUR responsibility, one that we can not take lightly. It is OUR responsibility, whether you are on the supplier side, the distributor side or the sales side. We all play a major role!
I encourage everyone to begin accepting this responsibility today. Suppliers should make sure that they are producing safe products and that their sales literature and selling techniques emphasize the product safety issues. Distributors and sales reps need to make this issue front and center with their customers. Don't wait for them to bring it up! We should bring it up and let them know that we are concerned and committed to the health and well being of the end recipients as well as the company brand, image and reputation and this is why they need to be aware!
By doing this we will all take a giant step forward to securing our future and that of the next generation in this great industry of ours!
Good luck and thanks for taking a few minutes of your valuable time to read this!
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