What do you think? Is financial stability on today's marketplace a luxury or a necessity? I think you could ask many people this question and you would get a variety of answers.
For those of us who work with a company that is on firm footing financially the answer is pretty clear. It is an absolute must to run a professional organization in an efficient manner that one maintains their financial independence.
Paying your bills to vendors on time and paying your workers on time is not a negotiable point if you are to be successful today.
All too often we get phone calls from people where this is not the case. Have you ever sold an order only to find that your firm no longer has credit with the vendor? have you been asked to collect deposits from customers when you never had to do this before?
Have you been told that your commission structure is changing and not for the better? If you are a business owner are you paying everyone else but yourself?
I heard this personally from several owners. They give and give and give of themselves but at the end of the day there is nothing left for them to make a living.
I am hear to tell you that it does not need to be this way in 2010. Whether you are an owner or a salesperson working for someone else you owe it to yourself to be good to numero uno (that is YOU) in 2010.
There are many good companies that are out there today who will be willing to work with you to provide you with that firm financial footing. I am biased obviously when I say that The Vernon Company is one of those firms but I will also be quick to say the following....
Some Tips for those exploring new employment options in 2010
- You need to fully investigate to see if a company is a match for you
- Be wary of a company that says we are a fit before ever speaking with you
- Do not be squeamish about asking to see the financial records of a prospective employer or at the very least ask for a current Dun and Bradstreet Report showing their credit rating.
- Ask about the amount of debt that a company has, both short term and long term
- Take a home office visit if possible to meet members of the support team
- Make sure that you speak with some sales reps that sell a similar level of sales volume as you do and ask lots of questions, lots of questions...
Lots of companies make promises!
Lots of companies make a lot of buzz in the short term but are not around in the long term! If you are only interested in a short term career then they may be good options for you!
Lots of companies need to borrow money over and over again! Why is that and how long will it last?
Offering a wide variety of perks to reps and employees while losing money year after year is not an equation that I ever understood from my math classes growing up! It will not last long.
Too many salespeople have learned this lesson the hard way being forced to find a new home for their business every other year.
If stability is what you want in a NEW employer it begins with your search criteria. Don't be fooled by all the hype. Do your due diligence!
You owe it to yourself!
Check out opportunities to meet with Vernon's Management Team by clicking the link below
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