Do you have any friends?
I know that this is a personal question and maybe it makes people a bit uneasy but it is important none the less!
Having friends and communicating with friends is an important way to survive when the stress levels get high. This has become increasingly evident as we have negotiated this stormy economy during the past nine months or so.
Recently we were on a company incentive trip to Big Sky Montana and while it was apparent that many of our top reps were hurting due to some large declines in their sales and income this year versus last I also noticed something else happening that was very encouraging.
Salespeople were leaning on other salespeople for support. The sharing of ideas, thoughts and emotions were at an unparalleled level. It is clear that these people were friends, first and foremost, and then peers.
The venue that was provided where they could communicate with each other was more important than any business session or presentation that we could ever put on for them.
James Taylor's song...You've Got A Friend...comes to mind!
Six days in Montana and the mood was upbeat because we knew that we are all in this together. The scenery was beautiful and the camaraderie was even better!
I encourage everyone to make sure that you do not isolate yourself in tough times. You need to reach out to your friends. The old adage that a problem shared is a problem cut in half has served me well over the years. Leaning on others if if they too are hurting has a funny way of picking both parties up.
I think there is a glimmer of hope on the economic horizon out there but you need to be ready. You need to be in the right frame of mind. You need to stay ever positive in front of your clients and prospects. Positivity can be contagious, more contagious than the swine flu.....but you need to be around it to catch it!
Think about it! Do you have friends that you have not called in a while (inside or outside the industry)? You just call...out their name and you know where ever they are....they'll come running...
That is what friends do!
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