Make sure that you look under the hood before you buy you car! This seems like common sense...right???
When you are considering buying a house it is almost a given that you would have someone come in to do a "home inspection"...correct?
One of the last things that you want to do would be to buy a vehicle, only to find out later that it had significant water damage from an unexpected drive into a lake...or to buy a home and find out 9 months down the road that there was some considerable damage caused by termites.
One of the results of this economic downturn has been that many people who thought that they had good solid positions with their employers have come to the realization that this is no longer the case. Some very good people have been forced out ending up on the street looking for a new company to process their promotional product business through while some others have been forced to work under ever changing rules in the work place.
Obviously neither scenario is one that we would want to be in. So what do you do if you find yourself in that position?
We strongly recommend that you perform your due diligence, meaning that you do your homework before making any decisions. You owe it to yourself not to make any rash decisions about your future career choices.
Making a change is not an easy decision and acting too quick can result in you making multiple changes in a short period. It is very clear that an account executive who changes employers multiple times in a short period of time does not look good in the eyes of their customers. Yes, I understand that some things are beyond your control and hindsight is always 20/20 but you do have the control when it comes to "checking under the hood" of any company that you are considering!
In an effort to offer you a free inspection, The Vernon Company is conducting a series of information webinars beginning on Wednesday May 20th. The objective will be to impart information that you may find valuable if you are considering a change.
We will attempt to inform any participants about who we are and who we are not, what we offer and what we do not!
The four part series will focus on the four pillars of our success...
Rock Solid
The Good Life
What You Need
We've Got Your Back
If you are interested we encourage you to visit...
This series will not only inform you about The Vernon Company but it might help prepare you with questions to ask any potential employer.
Changing companies is too big of a decision to take lightly! We strongly urge that you come and find out more. We may or may not be an option for you but remember education and knowledge are the keys to making an informed decision!
Thank you for your consideration!
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