Hopefully this subject line gets a little attention!
About six weeks ago I wrote an article suggesting that it might be interesting to see would happen if the media focused on good news or acts of kindness each day. What effect would this shift in their focus have on people?
Low and behold a few weeks later Brian Williams on the 6 PM news began a series where each night for one week he featured good news stories.
While I doubt this was a result of my blog I found myself watching every nighting waiting for the "good news" stories. After each piece I felt that my faith in man kind was restored, that there was good in the world and more often than not the stories brought a tear to my eye.
Well much to my chagrin it appears that the 7 and 1/2 minutes that it dedicated that was too much as the media continues in my opinion to fixate on "all things negative".
Reading a few papers recently I was surprised to see some very good news related to a few of the economic indicators....this is good right???? Yes except for the fact that it was only given two paragraphs on page seven....page seven of my Iowa newspaper!
Positive economic news couldn't get on page one or two in Iowa.
Come on!
I love Iowa but let's be real here, if the mainstream media outlets will not promote the positive things going on in each of our companies or communities then we must step up and take a stand
We all know that positive people attract other positive people... right?
Doesn't it stand to reason that positive news will attract more positive news. I think it does and I will make the assertion here that spreading the good news that we all can see and find in our own little worlds will actually help to "create and cause" good things to happen!
WOW! If you believe this then I think you will agree that this is one more piece of evidence that we can all Make A Difference...but we need to take action!
Make sure that you use all the avenues at your disposal to spread good news whenever and wherever you may observe it.
Thanks for listening!
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