Five days in Las, drink, conversations, lots of conversations...WOW...what a grind!
I couldn't wait to head home except for one thing...the weather at home had been as low as -25 degrees. Yikes!
Considering the fact that I had not stepped outside since I arrived at the show on Monday it felt good to get outside and get some fresh air for about 30 seconds and then I was freezing.
Lots of people were definitely concerned about the future. The large companies were keeping things positive yet news of layoffs hit the airwaves on Thursday. No companies are immune from the challenges we face.
The biggest change I noticed this year wast the lack of gamblers in the casinos. The slots were not ringing. The card tables were empty. Even the "working girls" seemed to be having a tough time finding "work", if you know what I mean...and I know you do.
I think that 2009 will offer opportunities for those companies and individuals who keep their eyes and ears open...those people who do not do the same old things...those folks who do not do the same old thing.
I was taught that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. Many people in our business are by this definition, insane. I am not one of them!
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