Three of Vernon's home office staff are shown here enjoying some camaraderie at the recent Las Vegas Show. Sharla Elscott (Business Development Manager), Andrea Smith (Recruiting Specialst) and Stephanie Critchfield(Western Region Manager) burnt the candle on both ends during their stay in Las Vegas.
I remember when I used to be able to do that... Actually I don't remember when I was able to do that. I am not sure I ever could. I would just start a little later in the morning. I guess you could say that I used to work the second or third shift.
Nowadays I would just assume sit back and listen to the horror stories and be glad that I was not involved. I am an early riser, usually around 4:30 AM. I love the early morning. Of course this means that you probably will not have a meaningful conversation with me after 9 PM at night.
It is refreshing to see many of the young people entering this industry. It is critical for all companies to enlist the talented youth of today, males and females. There has been a lot of talk about the explosion of young women in this industry and we see this at our own company (however it seems to be a secret to the rest of the industry) however there are a lot of young men who see this as an area to make a career as well
If you own a distributorship you should be making a concerted effort to entice these bright minds to join your firm. Providing them with the tech tools that they need in today's marketplace is essential. Recognizing that they communicate differently than many of your other reps is critical. Allowing them the freedom to express their opinions and make contributions in your organization will go along way to attracting them and their peers.
At Vernon we are making an effort to profile some our newest members as well as showcasing some of our tech tools. We are stressing the point that it is possible to be both a 100 + year old financially stable company with no debt and a technology progressive and flexible organization with the ability to handle all types of sales executives.
There is no typical rep in our organization...there really is not! You can go from the 28 year old female $1 million + producer to an 80 + year old man who sells almost $300 K. Some make all face to face calls while others work the telephones. Selling via the web and utilizing many of the electronic presentation tools that we provide is the mode of preference for many, especially our newest members.
So it is fair to say that the face is changing on our organization but there is one common denominator among our top producers. Regardless of their communication methods they are driven, driven to meet the needs of their clients and driven to make money and succeed. They are self motivated! They are confident and secure that they can solve their customers problems and last but not least they are fierce competitors.
Tough economy....not for our top reps...they will find a way. They did 20 years ago! They did in 2001 after 9-11 and they will do it in 2009.
So even though the face of our company is changing many things are the same. Top sales executives find a way to get it done. They never give up. They worker harder and smarter than 90 % of their competition and this is why they are winners.
One of my favorite sayings is the following...
It seems to me that the harder that I work, the luckier I get....