One Size Does NOT Fit All!
I think we all recognize that one size does not fit all! This statement is true in all aspects of our life.
I know I find myself going through my closet looking for that "favorite" pair of jeans. What makes them my favorite? They fit just right?
If you find yourself selling in the promotional products industry today I think you would agree that finding that company that meets your needs the best is just like looking through your closet for those jeans. Some jeans that used to fit just don't do it any more. Maybe they are too losse or too tight but the bottom line is that you just don't feel comfortable so you continue to look around.
At our company we talk to a lot of people who are out there looking for a new home for their promo sales. Can our company offer them the perfect fit? You would probably expect me to say YES, YES, YES.
In reality my answer is I DON"T KNOW!
Why don't I know? The #1 reason is because I know nothing about a prospective hire until we get a cahnce to meet and speak to them. Individuals call us all the time to get information. While I am wide open to telling them virtually everything about our company and how we operate I am aslo respectful of their time so I usually will attempt to ask a few questions about their current situation in an effort to tell them what is probably most important for them to hear. I am amazed at how many people will not open up and tell me much about their siutuation. After all, what am I going to do with information that might include the following...
- annual sales volume
- average gross profit
- years in industry
- fringe benefits
By asking questions and answering questions I have found that it is pretty easy to find out if there "might" be a fit. I say "might" because I think the second step is that you should go to visit the company offices to meet their entire team. Do they have a team? Maybe, maybe not.
You owe it to yourself to really check out any prospective employer. There are only a few decisions that might be more important in your life (maybe a spouse or a new home) than this one so take your time and do your homework!
If anyone says that they are a fit for you, and they have not asked you a bunch of questions, I really question their authenticity. How do they know? At our company the last thing, and I mean the last thing, that we want is to have someone join us and be surprised three months down the road that we don't do something that they thought we did. or maybe they find that their biggest customer is one of our biggest customers...OOPS...what do we do now?
So if you are looking or know someone who might be looking for a new home for their business please feel free to check us out but you need to know that you will get the straight scoop. We pass on many opportunities because it is not the right fit. We will be 100 % honest, not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it does not benefit us to have a salesperson with us who is not happy!
Honesty truely is the best policy!