Are you a junkie? I do not mean the drug addicted, strung out, on death's door kind of junkie. I am talking about being a slave to the social media movement. Quite frankly there are times when I am not sure which is worse.
It is clear that social media is not a fad! It is and will be a way of life for millions of us forever and ever. I am visualizing myself in the nursing home waking up every morning and checking my Facebook Page (or whatever it will be called when that time comes) to see what is going on with my friends who are still living independently. Or how about the tweets...
"I got the right hip done and will be getting the left hip replacement soon. I made it down the hall and back in 1 hour and 11 minutes, a new record time."
"I can't remember what I did this morning, but I remember an order that I sold in 1989"I am sure that you can all add your own. Please feel free to send some to me and I will gladly publish. Be clean, relatively at least, or it will not get posted.
How about playing on line poker with other people in nursing homes in Slovakia and Beijing. It could happen. Actually it could be happening today but I am really curious to see what happens to my generation (53 years old) and the generation X and Y group coming along.
I think it will be fascinating!
How about You Tube? From the nursing home we can video and post on line my roommate sleeping all day long. I know there is a web site originating in Iowa where you can go to watch the corn grow in real time. This does not seem too exciting to me today but heck when I am 82 years old, it might be the best thing going on. Who knows?
Well, thank goodness I am not there yet and I do not have to contend with these issues but I am aware that they will be coming and I am doing everything in my power to keep up with the social media trends. At the Vernon Company we are utilizing Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Linked In, Plaxo, Vimeo and other sites as a way of communicating and staying in touch with other industry professionals.
Yes it takes some work. It should be noted that if you find something in life that doesn't take any effort and is worthwhile and rewarding please let me know, as I think we could partner on it and make a lot of money together. Take the time to educate yourself about how all of these sites can relate to each other so that you do not have to maintain all of them independently and your work will be significantly reduced. Learn how to get the viral effect of these media sites working together to get your name and your products and services to your target audience. A good site to look at is called Ping.
Check out Ping here
This might give you a start. I am not an expert, not even close but I definitely know what I don't know and since I am not in a nursing home yet I believe that I must learn something new every day. The day you stop learning is the day you ________ .....well you all know the rest of this quote so I am not going there.
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To follow The Vernon Company and to learn about us we encourage you to follow us by clicking on the following sites...