What is it that gets every one's juices flowing about going to Las Vegas? I know that not everyone likes Las Vegas but it is very clear it has an attraction for many of us and it definitely causes the adrenalin to pump. Gambling is the number one attraction in this case. I don't think anyone can deny this. Addiction to the gambling scene is an issue worth exploring!
Perhaps it is the same phenomenon that causes people to buy $10, $20 or $50 worth of lottery tickets every single week, sometimes at the expense of groceries and household staples.
We could even extend that mentality to the millions of US households that are using credit cards and building incredible personal debt or the corporations in this country that are borrowing left and right with no clear end in sight. You might even say that this borrowing is like a "house of cards" destined to fall.
As I think of the groups and types of people who exhibit these destructive behaviors perhaps there is a common theme. Some individuals might be involved in all of these behaviors while others will pick and choose. Irregardless of whether the people exhibit one or more of this vices there may be a common theme among them.
They may all be "eternal optimists"! You know the optimist when you see them. Things are going to get better, they are, they really are...no matter how things may look on the outside. Has anyone ever heard these sayings...
"just one more hand, I feel lucky"
"this is the week that I win the Power Ball (Lottery)"
"Charge it please, I will pay it off next month"
"this is the week that I win the Power Ball (Lottery)"
"Charge it please, I will pay it off next month"
Well we all know that the reality is far different for 99.9 % of the people in these situations. Las Vegas was not built on winner's backs. State Lotteries rack up billions in profits with a capital "B" and Banks all across this country are racking up huge profits due to debt and interest rates on credit cards.
I am not a gambler although, I certainly have had my share of vices and excesses in my lifetime (these are stories for another day). As I prepare to travel to the "City of Sin", Las Vegas, I cannot help but think of many of these things.
Right now traveling to Las Vegas after a year like 2009 seems like the last thing that many of us should do. I think it all depends on your focus and what you plan on doing with your time while you are there.
We know that lots of individuals and companies struggled in 2009 and because of this it is more critical than ever that we all find firm financial footing as we attempt to "bounce back" in 2010. Do you have that firm financial base today? If you do then you are ready to get your fair share back.
If you do not you must find that base to work from. Life is too short to gamble your future this coming year!
There will be many good strong companies in Las Vegas that might be a fit for you whether you are a distributor, a supplier or a service provider. Make a plan, do your homework and set aside some time to visit with them to find out more.
This means that you might have to pass on that next hand of black jack or poker but you need to do it. The ball is in your court as they say! Please take a minute to listen to this message from The Vernon Company.
It may just change your life!
I am not a gambler although, I certainly have had my share of vices and excesses in my lifetime (these are stories for another day). As I prepare to travel to the "City of Sin", Las Vegas, I cannot help but think of many of these things.
Right now traveling to Las Vegas after a year like 2009 seems like the last thing that many of us should do. I think it all depends on your focus and what you plan on doing with your time while you are there.
We know that lots of individuals and companies struggled in 2009 and because of this it is more critical than ever that we all find firm financial footing as we attempt to "bounce back" in 2010. Do you have that firm financial base today? If you do then you are ready to get your fair share back.
If you do not you must find that base to work from. Life is too short to gamble your future this coming year!
There will be many good strong companies in Las Vegas that might be a fit for you whether you are a distributor, a supplier or a service provider. Make a plan, do your homework and set aside some time to visit with them to find out more.
This means that you might have to pass on that next hand of black jack or poker but you need to do it. The ball is in your court as they say! Please take a minute to listen to this message from The Vernon Company.
It may just change your life!